Spartanburg High School Athletics

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Sponsorship (for organizations and companies) SY2425

On behalf of the Viking Club, we would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. The SHS All Sports Booster Club serves as the support organization for all SHS sports and WE NEED YOU! One of our goals is to assist the Spartanburg High School coaches and administration with apparel, equipment, banquets, and meals as needed so that each student athlete receives the very best support possible. This will allow them to prepare mentally and physically to compete with higher success. We also want to encourage and foster the pursuit of academic excellence for all students. To achieve this goal, we hope to provide some great advertising opportunities for our community. We want to encourage your business to get involved with The Viking Club in support of Spartanburg High School and District 7. We are proud of their dedication and commitment to excellence in the classroom and on the playing fields. Please join us and participate in supporting our VIKINGS by considering one or more of the following advertisement opportunities. Thank you in advance for your consideration. 


CommitmentMarketing ExposureLimitWeb/App AdsAudio-VisualFootball ProgramStadium BannerPassesFirst Right of Refusal Following School Year
GAME$300Regionaln.a.n.a.Company logo on scoreboard during chosen varsity football
VIKING$500Regionaln.a.n.a.n.a.Quarter-Page AdIncludedn.a.n.a
BLUE$1000Regionaln.a.n.a.Still image at varsity football and basketball gamesHalf-Page AdIncluded2 Admission + 1 Parkingn.a
BLUE PLUS (web ads)$1500Regionaln.a.
IncludedStill image at varsity football and basketball gamesHalf-Page AdIncluded2 Admission + 1 Parkingn.a
GOLD$4000Regional 5/school yearIncluded30s video ad played 3 times for varsity football games and across varsity basketball nightsFull-Page AdIncluded4 Admission + 1 Parkingn.a
(Viking Video)
$6000Regional + National option1/school yearIncluded

30s video ad played 3 times for varsity football games and across varsity basketball nights

PLUS  Your company logo will appear on all Athletics livestreams from Viking Stadium and Arena (JV and Varsity football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse and volleyball).  

Full-Page Ad
4 Admission + 1 Parking
(GameTime Radio Title Sponsor)

$6000Regional1/school yearIncluded

30s video ad played 3 times for varsity football games and across varsity basketball nights

PLUS Title Sponsor will receive a minimum of 5x 30s Commercial runs plus 15s Sponsor Mentions and 5s Sponsor Stingers throughout sporting events at Spartanburg High School Viking Stadium, Arena, Track and Softball Field.  

Full-Page Ad
4 Admission + 1 Parking

Donation Instructions

The Booster Club now accepts instant payments online via their Square site. Note, you will need to go to your cart and check out after building a cart on the Square site.

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